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Find out how you can access Talking Therapies for support with managing your mental health.



Talking therapies are psychological treatments available for people experiencing mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. There are various types of talking therapy, which all involve working with a trained therapist to help you better manage your mental health and find the answers to the problems you're having. Therapy can be provided one-to-one, in a group, over the phone, with your family, or with your partner.




Talking therapies, such as counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), are available for free on the NHS through your local psychological therapies services, commonly known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. Your GP can make a referral to these services on your behalf, or you can refer yourself directly to an IAPT service.


Find your local IAPT service here




If you would like to seek a therapist privately, it's important to be aware that private therapists usually charge for appointments. It is recommended to seek a therapist who is a member of a professional body:​​


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